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Get Started with Flipper Cloud on Rails

In addition to the steps outlined below, we have a fully functional example Rails application for you to peruse.

Step 1. Add Flipper to your app

It's recommended to persist your Flipper configuration locally with an adapter of your choice (e.g. ActiveRecord, Redis, Sequel, Mongo, or several other adapters). You can decide this later if you don't know which one you want now.

bundle add flipper-active_record
bin/rails g flipper:setup
bin/rails db:migrate

You'll need to set the following ENV variable:


Step 2. Use Flipper in your code

Use Flipper#enabled? in your app for anything you want to gate access to, such as rolling out new features, taking parts of your system offline for maintenance without disrupting everyone else, or any other reason.

For example, here we check if the search feature of our app is enabled:

before_action :ensure_search_enabled

def ensure_search_enabled
  render :unavailable unless Flipper.enabled?(:search)

Now flip this feature on for different segments of your users:

# Enable a feature for everyone
Flipper.enable :search

# Enable a feature for a specific actor
Flipper.enable_actor :search, current_user

# Enable a feature for a group of actors
Flipper.enable_group :search, :admin

# Enable a feature for a percentage of actors
Flipper.enable_percentage_of_actors :search, 2

Read more about enabling features.


That's it. For a couple lines of code and a couple of clicks you get the full power of feature toggles with little to no performance impact.

Need Help?

We would be delighted to answer any questions or even setup a pairing session to help you get your application setup correctly. Shoot an email to

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